Khaled Mohammad Apps

Learn how to read Arabic in 24 1.1
How useful it is to learn Reading and writing in Arabic letters.Learn how to read and write Arabic while playing games for maximumof 24 hours, also, you will learn reading Arabic numbers in 1 hourmaximum. By being able to read Arabic, you will be able to readfull Names of all celebrities, people, Street Signs, Shops, Busstations, Trademarks, Currencies, international corporations,Hotels, restaurants, etc... Now with globalization, thousands ofwords are becoming international and commonly known by all people,words such as checks, taxi, bank, mouse, internet, bank, network,keyboard, Mobile, hotel, cinema, mic, music, drama, action,classic, jacket, T-shirt, countries, towns, Tourists attractions,etc... With so many words and the ability to write in Arabic, Itwill be a handy tool to get your massage through more than 1billion Muslims who use the same letters to read their Quran (holybook), covering more than 26 countries stretching in the Middleeast, Iran and Pakistan Just by playing games for few hours andhaving fun you will open your communication to the massivepopulation and landscape. We hope you enjoy learning Arabicletters, please send your feed back at [email protected]
تعلم قراءة أحرف العربية في 24 1.1
تعلم قراءة الأحرف العربية في 24 ساعة وأنت تلعب